
中秋月饼 - 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟

Hohoho~ 一年一度的中秋节又来临咯!这个周末去买月饼咯!选择在 Shopping Mall 买月饼还蛮不错的!多数知名的月饼都会聚集在一起买月饼,想买哪家公司或什么口味都没问题勒!其中还是最喜欢他们的布置~五彩缤纷的灯笼填满了不少中秋的气氛喔!

买了几种口味: 双黄莲蓉,炭烧摩卡莲蓉,万紫千红,白香蓉森巴,翡翠玉环,雪皮芝麻奶皇,翡翠奶皇。一些和朋友一起月光会,而另一些拿来送礼^^





原来只是场梦。醒来后, 泪依旧流。。你依然离我们而去。


Colmar Tropicale French Village @ Bukit Tinggi

Hohoho~ Is time to kai kai again le! It's always make people feel so excited and happy! We are having our trip at Malaysia for this short Raya holiday! We took coach from SG to Genting. Bukit tinggi is Genting? No la~ haha xD we ask the driver to drop us at awana skyway and my friends from Penang picked us by car.
Wooo~ took a bit time in getting lost at xxx, finally we reach French Village le! We booked the hotel through this websitehttp://www.berjayahotel.com/berjayahills/rooms.asp
We booked two Family rooms (~RM699 for two family rooms) . That is the price after 25% discount, you may enjoy the discount too, if u advance 30 days book it. The hotel is quite comfortable~ there is two rooms with one Big king size and one LCD tv in each room. So bad, that is just one toilet with the bath room together.

After taking bath, we just walked around and taking photo. Is so happy that the weather there is cool. The fresh air make my mood very relax and comfortable.

中秋@牛车水 2010

白天去牛车水还蛮热的~ 晚上满街的装饰都会亮起灯,还有文艺表演和中秋活动。当然也会人潮拥挤咯。哈哈 xD


MRT 一出来,抬头一望,挂满五颜六色的灯笼,好漂亮啊!


Sakura @ USM Parit Buntar

You can see Sakura at Malaysia ? Is that something unbelievable?! No~ let see the Malaysia Sakura at USM Parit Buntar..


和记包 - 点心@aljunied


Location: 43B Lorong 27, Geylang, Singapore.

Transport: EW9
The shop is at Gerlang but is very near and convenient if u go there by MRT and aboard at Aljunied station. Go out from MRT keep Left and turn left at next Junction, the shop is just there.
Is so long never wake up early and go out for breakfast le ( although is no very early). haha XD

The cha siew bao there taste great and my friend like their ice tea. Personally, don't recommend har kao. The skin is too thick and taste so so..

This 荷叶饭is accidentally called. I want to call 糯米鸡actually,but the staff recommend this. Thought that is almost same. Who knows.. It is Big and "white". Finally.. we are full and no more space to put it in, so just da bao and bring back. We steamed it when we came back. Surprising that the taste is great! A lot of ingredients inside and make it just in right flavor.

ABC soup

这是一道好吃又容易煮的汤.为什么叫ABC?有人说A是onion,B是potato,C是carrot.可是,这不是只有Cmatch吗?对我而言,叫 ABC是因为它 mixing with many ingredients.你可以加你喜欢的ingredient,只要不会很怪就还好.所以每个人的ABC汤都有点不一样.来看看我的ABC汤吧!

                                     Ingredient : ( for 6-7 person)
                                      $8 排骨
                                      1 Carrot
                                      2 Corn ( actually one enough =p)
                                      1 large Onion
                                      4 potato
                                      8 Meat Ball
                                      2 tomato

回去刨开jagung 的衣服后,看到这肥肥的jagung,好开心喔!因为我还蛮喜欢吃jagung的。

把全部切好的jagung丢进锅里。哇!整锅都是jagung? 是锅太小,还是jagung 太多?还是换个大点的锅看看吧!


Empire State at Iluma (Bugis)

Transport: EW12
Location : Iluma Bugis
Empire State 是在iluma四楼。。Iluma的building很漂亮喔!不过人潮没那么多,在新加坡要找人潮不多的地方还真有点难。所以我觉得那儿还不赖,至少吃东西不用排队啊!

朋友建议去Empire State吃~ free的。当然去啦!哈哈!

环境还不错的~ colorful ^^ make my mood so shine ~

$16.9 for this whole Chicken, you may choose half chicken with $11.9. I am order whole chicken just because greedy by thinking it's more worth and end up with very very full condition. Haha~ lesson learnt =p

新加坡浪漫夜景-克拉玛头(clarke quay)


Clarke Quay is a historical riverside quay in Singapore, located within the Singapore River Planning Area. The quay is situated upstream from the mouth of the Singapore River and Boat Quay.
  • 交通:Clarke Quay North-East Line stations ( Super convenient ^^)

第一次去Clarke Quay 是在新加坡工作大约两个月过后吧!从shopping mall 走出去,望过去就是一片超美的夜景.照片里就是克拉玛头沿河酒吧,星期五和六还蛮多人聚在这儿喝酒聊天。




Cosplay @ Suntec CIty Singapore

2010 DEC Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention, Suntec City, Singapore

  • 时间:10th to 12th December 2010

  • 地点:Suntec City 

  • 入场费:S$15   last year is free :<  


We are not get in the event, but we gain the chance see a lot of cosplayers. This is first time i saw so many many cosplayers together! So excited! Cause... they are so beautiful, cute and cool!   


Cosplay - short for "costume play" , a type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea.
