Transport: EW12
Location : Iluma Bugis
Location : Iluma Bugis
Empire State 是在iluma四楼。。Iluma的building很漂亮喔!不过人潮没那么多,在新加坡要找人潮不多的地方还真有点难。所以我觉得那儿还不赖,至少吃东西不用排队啊!
朋友建议去Empire State吃~ free的。当然去啦!哈哈!
环境还不错的~ colorful ^^ make my mood so shine ~
$16.9 for this whole Chicken, you may choose half chicken with $11.9. I am order whole chicken just because greedy by thinking it's more worth and end up with very very full condition. Haha~ lesson learnt =p
Let taste the orea Biscuit... Erm, Yummy~ i want to buy one pack to office~